Contributing agency

Station summaryHLFX

  • More informations on each symbol.
  • GPS
    Tide Gauge
IGS-type acronym : HLFX
Latitude : 44.68354929
Longitude : -63.61127917
Installed date : 2001-12-20
Decommissioned date :
Country : CANADA
Station status : active (green)
Distance to Tide Gauge (m) : 3100
Domes Nr.: 40120M001
Station operator: Unknown
IGS-like station form :

GPS position times seriesHLFX


(Reference epoch: )

Offsets (mm)

MMaterial change or malfunction
RFReference Frame change
NANot available
Position discontinuity
Velocity discontinuity
Vertical component
East component
North Component

Data available at SONELHLFX

Quality plots on RINEX filesHLFX

Quality plots on RINEX files of HLFX Quality plots on RINEX files of HLFX Royal Observatory of Belgium

Plots generated using software developed with the EPN team at ROB
Observations & tracking performance Satellite tracking

informations (this operation may take 20 to 45s)

The satellite tracking graph has been calculated for all stations for the first day of each month. If you wish to have a graph for another date, choose the 'Calculate a specific date' option.

Comparison with satellite altimetry data

Co-located instrumentsHLFX

Photo albumHLFX

Log bookHLFX

[IGSSTATION-7580] - 2019-03-08 (18/03/2019)

The TPS NET-G3A receiver at HLFX has been updated to firmware version 4.7 Nov,23,2017 p6 yesterday, 07 March 2019 at 21:26 utc. An updated site log has been submitted to the IGS.

[IGSSTATION-6243] - 2015-07-20 (29/07/2015)

On Wednesday, July 22 (203) to Thursday, July 23 (204) station HLFX will have its antenna cable replaced. There will be a permanent data outage of approximately 36 hours during this time.

[IGSSTATION-6110] - 2015-03-02 (03/03/2015)

The TopCon NET-G3A at HLFX was switched to track with a Symmetricom 8200 Rb external clock at 21:05ut today. There was a data outage between 17:50ut and 21:05ut today while this transition occurred.

An updated Site Log will be submitted to the IGSCB shortly.

[IGSSTATION-5495] - 2013-08-13 (14/08/2013)

Due to an equipment failure there is a permanent data outage at NRCan station HLFX between doy 189 and 221. The site was upgraded with a new GNSS antenna and receiver on Friday, August 9th, 2013 (doy 221). A new site log has been uploaded to the IGSCB and to the NRCan ftp area.