Station summaryYAR2

  • More informations on each symbol.
  • GPS
    Tide Gauge
IGS-type acronym : YAR2
Latitude : -29.04656111
Longitude : 115.34697220
Installed date : 1990-12-01
Decommissioned date :
Station status : active (green)
Domes Nr.: 50107M004
Station operator: Unknown
IGS-like station form :

GPS position times seriesYAR2


(Reference epoch: )

Offsets (mm)

MMaterial change or malfunction
RFReference Frame change
NANot available
Position discontinuity
Velocity discontinuity
Vertical component
East component
North Component

Data available at SONELYAR2

Quality plots on RINEX filesYAR2

Quality plots on RINEX files of YAR2 Quality plots on RINEX files of YAR2 Royal Observatory of Belgium

Plots generated using software developed with the EPN team at ROB
Observations & tracking performance Satellite tracking

informations (this operation may take 20 to 45s)

The satellite tracking graph has been calculated for all stations for the first day of each month. If you wish to have a graph for another date, choose the 'Calculate a specific date' option.

Co-located instrumentsYAR2

Log bookYAR2

[IGSSTATION-7830] - 2020-01-09 (09/01/2020)

The IGS station YAR200AUS is now back online. The tracking problem reported in IGSSTATION-7827 was traced down to be an issue with the H-MASER. As a result the H-MASER has been disconnected until repairs can be made. These changes have been reflected in the station log file that has been submitted to IGS-CB and also made available through the Geoscience Australia GNSS Site Manager (https://gnss-site-manager.geodesy.ga.gov.au/site/YAR2).

[IGSSTATION-7827] - 2020-01-03 (03/01/2020)

YAR2 is currently offline. We are currently troubleshooting to determine the cause, and aim to have the site back online. RINEX and real time data will be unavailable until the issue is resolved.

[IGSSTATION-6141-6142] - 2015-04-10 (10/04/2015)

We are currently experiencing difficulties receiving data from the GNSS receiver at YAR2. As a result data submission will be delayed until further notice.

We have fixed the receiver issue at YAR2 and the site is operating again.

[IGSSTATION-6102] - 2015-02-20 (24/02/2015)

As a result of the computer failure at the IGS station YAR2 reported in [IGSSTATION-6048] we have used this opportunity to undertake some repairs to the equipment and moved the receiver into a new more secure location. As a result we have replaced the receiver with a multi-constellation Septentrio PolaRx4TR, replaced the antenna cable and connected a H-Maser (10 Mhz) to the receiver.

We are currently submitting daily observation files to IGS. Once we resolve a number of communication problems at the site we will make high-rate products and a real-time stream available.

The details of these changes can be found in the IGS station log file which has been submitted to IGSCB or is available from the Geoscience Australia Public FTP server (ftp.ga.gov.au/geodesy-outgoing/gnss/logs).

[IGSSTATION-5724] - 2014-03-24 (24/03/2014)

A local tie survey is currently being undertaken at the Yarragadee SLR/VBLI observatory. Survey work is being undertaken to the YAR2 and YAR3 antenna’s over the next few days. The antennas are not being disturbed, but due to the activity there may be some potential degradation in data quality.

[IGSSTATION-5719] - 2014-03-18 (18/03/2014)

Unfortunately data from 2014-03-15T11:00Z until 2014-03-18T04:00Z has been permanently lost due to a malfunction of the onsite PC.