Contributing agency

Station summaryCHIZ

  • More informations on each symbol.
  • GPS
    Tide Gauge
IGS-type acronym : CHIZ
Latitude : 46.13349915
Longitude : -0.40770301
Installed date : 2000-10-19
Decommissioned date :
Country : FRANCE
Station status : active (green)
Domes Nr.: 10020M001
Station operator: (LIENSs - OASU) - LIENSs - OASU
IGS-like station form :

GPS position times seriesCHIZ


(Reference epoch: )

Offsets (mm)

MMaterial change or malfunction
RFReference Frame change
NANot available
Position discontinuity
Velocity discontinuity
Vertical component
East component
North Component

Data available at SONELCHIZ

Quality plots on RINEX filesCHIZ

Quality plots on RINEX files of CHIZ Quality plots on RINEX files of CHIZ Royal Observatory of Belgium

Plots generated using software developed with the EPN team at ROB
Observations & tracking performance Satellite tracking

informations (this operation may take 20 to 45s)

The satellite tracking graph has been calculated for all stations for the first day of each month. If you wish to have a graph for another date, choose the 'Calculate a specific date' option.

Log bookCHIZ

2022-05-16 (23/05/2022)

Victor Kerebel and Mederic Gravelle made an intervention on the site. The goal was to check if the GNSS receiver had difficulties to transmit the data. We do not fine anything strange. The lock of the door is very old so we had difficulties to enter the local.

2021-08-17 (17/08/2021)

Mission at CHIZ site. Etienne Poirier and Victor Kérébel (La Rochelle University). Etienne presented to Victor the GNSS installation and a local cleaning has been realised. Also, an anchor bolt has been placed to secure the antenna access.


2020-10-15 (16/10/2020)

Mission at CHIZ site: D.Fligiel, P.Gernigon (Nantes University) and E.Poirier (La Rochelle University) tried a new installation of an optic fiber underground between VSAT antenna and CHIZ GNSS receiver. This time it worked fine. CHIZ is back on the internet!

2020-06-24 (01/07/2020)

Mission at CHIZ site:
E.Poirier and Y-T Tranchant (La Rochelle university)
D.Fligiel and P.Gernigon (Nantes university)

The aim was to connect the GNSS station to the satellite antenna through an optic fiber underground. Unfortunately when pulling the optic fiber we broke it. Decision is taken to aim for a wireless option.


2019-07-31 (31/07/2019)

Data flow of CHIZ station has been stopped due to a network issue. The old routeur falls when temperatures are too hot. Damien Fligiel from Nantes University has been working on it because this affects also the seismometer data flow. For the moment the old routeur is still running. He has trouble with the new routeur beacuse it loses config.

Data flow has been interrupted from day 189 (8th July 2019) to day 206 (25th July 2019). All the data have been recovered from the receiver to SONEL ftp. However it is still unavailable at RGP.

[RGPmail] - 2019-07-16 (29/07/2019)

The dataflow for station CHIZ stopped at session 2019-189q. The delay for recovery is unknown.

2019-06-07 (07/06/2019)

Data flow has been stopped from CHIZ for sessions 152q to 157e included due to a breakdown of the router. This has been fixed on day 157 session f by Nantes seismic team (Damien Fligiel) and all the data have been retrieved to SONEL and RGP. E.Poirier.

2019-04-05 (05/04/2019)

Sitelog updated at EUREF and SONEL with the new receiver firmware info regarding the change done on the 2019-03-13. E. Poirier.

2019-03-13 (13/03/2019)

New firmware installed on Leica GR25. Fw version 4.31.

2019/02/15 (05/03/2019)

New streaming of MDB and RINEX3 data directly from the receiver to the IGN and ENSG data centres.

2019-01-17 (17/01/2019)

Change of the namming of the RINEX3 files generated and sent by the receiver. It was short names, it was upadted to long names as per the regulations about RINEX3. E.Poirier.

[RGPmail] - 2018-12-19 (07/01/2019)

Dataflow for CHIZ station are available since session 2018-352o. Missing data are definitely lost.

[RGPmail] - 2018-12-06 (12/12/2018)

Data for stations CHIZ and LROC are unavailable since session 2018-333k.

[RGPmail] - 2018-09-10 (13/09/2018)

The data for the CHIZ station are available since session 250n.

[EUREFmail-9515] - 2018-08-10 (10/08/2018)

The stations CHIZ and LROC (France) are encountering some problems since sessions 215f and 214m respectively. We're trying to fix it as soon as possible.

Missing data might be unrecoverable, I'll let you know as soon as the dataflow restarts.

[RGPmail] - 2018-03-19 (20/03/2018)

The dataflow for station CHIZ (France, 79) restarted at session 058a. All missing data are definitely lost.

[RGPmail] - 2018-02-19 (20/03/2018)

The dataflow for station CHIZ (France, 79) stopped at session 043m. We don't know the delay of dataflow recovery.

[EUREFmail-7915] - 2015-04-24 (24/04/2015)

CHIZ: GNSS station down since day 97/2015. The computer is dead
and we are doing our best to configure a new one. We are also raising
the idea to change the GNSS antenna and the receiver with brand new up
to date equipment.