Contributing agency

Station summaryELBA

  • More informations on each symbol.
  • GPS
    Tide Gauge
IGS-type acronym : ELBA
Latitude : 42.75290134
Longitude : 10.21109862
Installed date : 2000-11-08
Decommissioned date :
Country : ITALY
Station status : active (green)
Distance to Tide Gauge (m) : 2503
Domes Nr.: 12721M002
Station operator: Unknown
IGS-like station form :

GPS position times seriesELBA


(Reference epoch: )

Offsets (mm)

MMaterial change or malfunction
RFReference Frame change
NANot available
Position discontinuity
Velocity discontinuity
Vertical component
East component
North Component

Data available at SONELELBA

Quality plots on RINEX filesELBA

Quality plots on RINEX files of ELBA Quality plots on RINEX files of ELBA Royal Observatory of Belgium

Plots generated using software developed with the EPN team at ROB
Observations & tracking performance Satellite tracking

informations (this operation may take 20 to 45s)

The satellite tracking graph has been calculated for all stations for the first day of each month. If you wish to have a graph for another date, choose the 'Calculate a specific date' option.

Co-located instrumentsELBA

Photo albumELBA

Log bookELBA

[EUREFmail-10231] - 2020-04-17 (28/04/2020)

Please be adviced that on DOY 2020/108 firmware of Leica GR30 receiver
at ELBA00ITA (Elba) station has been upgraded from 4.20/7.300 to 4.35/7.504.
At the same time, tracking of Galileo E6, Glonass L3 and Beidou B3
signals has been enabled.

[EUREFmail-09940] - 2019-08-06 (26/09/2019)

On DOY 2019/217 at approx 22:00 UTC, ELBA00ITA station (Elba, Italy)
stopped to send data to control centre. We are investigating on the
possible causes.

[EUREFmail-9492] - 2018-07-25 (26/07/2018)

On DOY 2018/206, ELBA (Elba, Italy) Leica GR30 firmware was updated from
4.11/7.102 to 4.20/7.300.
Updated sitelog was submitted to EUREF.

[EUREFmail-9276] - 2018-01-31 (01/02/2018)

Please be adviced that on DOY 2018/030 the ELBA (Elba, Italy) Trimble
4700/TRM29659.00 receiver/antenna have been replaced by Leica GR30/AR20.
The new receiver is now tracking Beidou and SBAS signals and it is
generating Rinex 3.03 files too.

[EUREFmail-8727] - 2016-09-19 (21/09/2016)

On DOY 2016/258 the data link to ELBA (Italy) station has been fixed and
the station is back on-line.

[EUREFmail-8663] - 2016-08-10 (31/08/2016)

On DOY 2016/219 we lost data link to ELBA (Elba, Italy) station.
Troubleshooting is in progress to understand what happened and how to
fix the problem.
I will keep you informed.

[IGSSTATION-6539] - 2016-02-26 (02/03/2016)

On Doy 2016/056, data flow from these stations resumed after a break due
to a receiver (Trimble 4700) firmware issue.
A software work around was setup in order to correct wrong dates into
data files.

Plan to replace GPS receivers with modern GNSS receivers for these
stations is still on going.

[IGSSTATION-6526] - 2016-02-22 (24/02/2016)

Please note that starting from 2015/046 (Feb 2, 2016) data from Italian
stations AQUI, ELBA and GENO are not available because all old Trimble
4700 GPS receiver stopped to work on that date.
We already have new GNSS receivers avalilable and we are planning their
installation on site.