Contributing agency

Station summarySCOA

  • More informations on each symbol.
  • GPS
    Tide Gauge
IGS-type acronym : SCOA
Latitude : 43.39523900
Longitude : -1.68162300
Installed date : 2005-12-14
Decommissioned date :
Country : FRANCE
Station status : active (green)
Distance to Tide Gauge (m) : 2
Domes Nr.: 10088M002
Station operator: Unknown
IGS-like station form :

GPS position times seriesSCOA


(Reference epoch: )

Offsets (mm)

MMaterial change or malfunction
RFReference Frame change
NANot available
Position discontinuity
Velocity discontinuity
Vertical component
East component
North Component

Data available at SONELSCOA

Quality plots on RINEX filesSCOA

Quality plots on RINEX files of SCOA Quality plots on RINEX files of SCOA Royal Observatory of Belgium

Plots generated using software developed with the EPN team at ROB
Observations & tracking performance Satellite tracking

informations (this operation may take 20 to 45s)

The satellite tracking graph has been calculated for all stations for the first day of each month. If you wish to have a graph for another date, choose the 'Calculate a specific date' option.

Co-located instrumentsSCOA

Photo albumSCOA


If you have a relevant reference to suggest, please send-us an e-mail :
  • puce Beilin, 2006. Réseau GPS Permanent - Station de Socoa (SCOA). Compte rendu IGN, CR/G 203.
  • puce KEREBEL, KHAN et al., 2022. Rapport de mission. Contrôle du marégraphe et test des radars Vega. Du 5 au 8 décembre 2021. Get this reference
  • puce Poirier, Woppelmann, 2017. Contrôles du Marégraphe de Socoa (Saint Jean-de-Luz) : Missions du 10-12 mai 2017 et du 23-24 août 2017.. Rapport Technique SONEL Nr. 001/17. Get this reference
  • puce Roesch, 2009. Réseau GNSS permanent - Station de Socoa (SCOA) - Changement de matériel et rattachement topométrique. Compte rendu IGN, CR/G 253.
  • puce Tiphaneau, Woppelmann, 2007. Contrôle des performances du marégraphe radar BM70A de Socoa (Saint Jean-de-Luz) – le 17 mai 2007 . Get this reference
  • puce Vu, Ha et al., 2019. Identifying 2010 Xynthia Storm Signature in GNSS-R-Based Tide Records. Remote Sensing. Get this reference

Log bookSCOA

2021-11-24 (23/05/2022)

Intervention by the SHOM to change the acquisition central of the tide gauge. Before it was an Elta system, now it is a Campbell.
Also, installation of the meteorological sensor and the camera

2021-12-05 / 2021-12-08 (23/05/2022)

L.Testut, J.Khan and V.Kerebel made a field trip on SCOA tide gauge with 3 objectives :
- meet people, take pictures and information about the tide gauge for the EZPONDA project.
- make observation of the tide gauge to find why a part of the sea level curv is cut during low tide.
- make a real-time test of new instruments (VegaPuls radars).

2021-12-05 / 2021-12-08 (23/05/2022)

L.Testut, J.Khan and V.Kerebel made a field trip on SCOA tide gauge with 3 objectives :

- meet people, take pictures and information about the tide gauge for the EZPONDA project.
- make observation of the tide gauge to find why a part of the sea level curv is cut during low tide.
- make a real-time test of new instruments (VegaPuls radars).

2021-12-05 / 2021-12-08 (23/05/2022)

L.Testut, J.Khan and V.Kerebel made a field trip on SCOA tide gauge with 3 objectives :

- meet people, take pictures and information about the tide gauge for the EZPONDA project.
- make observation of the tide gauge to find why a part of the sea level curv is cut during low tide.
- make a real-time test of new instruments (VegaPuls radars).

[RGPmail] - 2017-07-25 (26/07/2017)

the dataflow for the SCOA station (Socoa, France) restarted at session 2017-200p. All missing data are lost.

[EUREFmail-9089] - 2017-07-17 (17/07/2017)

Due to electric issues, we have lost the connection with the receiver of
SCOA (France) since the session 2017- 193M (after an other blackout
between the session 2017 - 189G and 2017 - 192O). All missing files are

[EUREFmail-8410] - 2016-03-10 (15/03/2016)

The data files from the following stations and periods are permanently lost:

From 067-Q until 068-I: PUYV (Le Puy en Velay, France)
From 067-Q until 068-I: SCOA (Socoa, France)
From 067-S until 068-I: AUTN (Autun, France)
From 067-V until 068-J: LIL2 (Lille, France)
From 069-K until 069-L: EGLT (Egletons, France)
From 069-L until 069-P: TLMF (Toulouse, France)

They are all due to an error in data logging in Leica receivers.

[EUREFmail-7800] - 2015-01-29 (29/01/2015)

The station SCOA (France) is working again since the session 029i.
Missing data haven't been recorded.

[EUREFmail-7795] - 2015-01-27 (27/01/2015)

Data from the station SCOA (France) are not available since the session

We try and fix the problem as soon as possible.

[EUREFmail-6935] - 2013-04-30 (30/04/2013)

The station SCOA (Ciboure, France) is working since the session 119r.
Missing hourly and daily data are definitively lost.

[EUREFmail-6926] - 2013-04-25 (30/04/2013)

The station SCOA (Ciboure, France) is encountering some problems since the session 115i.

[EUREFmail-6779] - 2013-01-21 (21/01/2013)

Following the problem encountered by Leica receivers last week, SBAS satellites have been deactivated except EGNOS constellation satellites.

The stations concerned are BSCN (25), EGLT (19), GUIP (29), MARS (13), =
SCOA (64) et VFCH (41) in France.

[EUREFmail-6776] - 2013-01-18 (18/01/2013)

Receivers of stations BSCN(Besancon), SCOA (Ciboure), VFCH (Villefranche-sur-Cher), MARS (Marseille), EGLT (Egletons) and GUIP (Guipavas) in France have encountering some problems yesterday.
The problem has been fixed this morning and data are now available.
Nevertheless, data between sessions 017o and 018h are definitively lost.

[EUREFmail-6661] - 2012-10-25 (25/10/2012)

The station SCOA (Socoa-France) has encountered a power failure.
Hourly and daily data have been resubmitted to regional data centers
BKGand OLG, from DOY 295 to 299.

Nevertheless, sessions 296k to 298n are definitively lost.

[EUREFmail-6610] - 2012-09-27 (28/09/2012)

The 28/09/2012 in the morning, the receiver will be change on the site =
of SCOA(Ciboure-France), for a LEICA GR25.
Data will be unavailable during the maintenance operation.