Contributing agency

Station summaryILDX

  • More informations on each symbol.
  • GPS
    Tide Gauge
IGS-type acronym : ILDX
Latitude : 46.00953700
Longitude : -1.17645900
Installed date : 2012-02-08
Decommissioned date :
Country : FRANCE
Station status : active (green)
Distance to Tide Gauge (m) : 293
Domes Nr.: 19724M001
Station operator: Unknown
IGS-like station form :

GPS position times seriesILDX


(Reference epoch: )

Offsets (mm)

MMaterial change or malfunction
RFReference Frame change
NANot available
Position discontinuity
Velocity discontinuity
Vertical component
East component
North Component

Data available at SONELILDX

Quality plots on RINEX filesILDX

Quality plots on RINEX files of ILDX Quality plots on RINEX files of ILDX Royal Observatory of Belgium

Plots generated using software developed with the EPN team at ROB
Observations & tracking performance Satellite tracking

informations (this operation may take 20 to 45s)

The satellite tracking graph has been calculated for all stations for the first day of each month. If you wish to have a graph for another date, choose the 'Calculate a specific date' option.

Co-located instrumentsILDX

Photo albumILDX


If you have a relevant reference to suggest, please send-us an e-mail :
  • puce André, 2013. Measuring sea level with GPS-equipped buoys: a multi-instruments experiement at Aix Island. International Hydrographic Review. Get this reference
  • puce Chupin, Ballu et al., 2020. Mapping Sea Surface Height Using New Concepts of Kinematic GNSS Instruments. Remote Sensing. Get this reference BibTeX of the reference
  • puce Gobron, de-Viron et al., 2019. Assessment of tide gauges biases and precisions by the combination of multiple co-located time series. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. Get this reference BibTeX of the reference
  • puce Gouriou, 2013. Reconstruction of a two-century long sea level record for the Pertuis d'Antioche (France). Continental Shelf Research. Get this reference
  • puce Gouriou, 2012. Evolution des composantes du niveau marin à partir d'observations de marégraphie effectuées depuis la fin du 18ème siècle en Charente-Maritime. Université de la Rochelle. Get this reference
  • puce KEREBEL, 2021. CR Mission - 2021/11/04. SONEL.
  • puce Roesch, 2012. Réseau GNSS Permanent - Station de l’Île d’Aix « ILDX » . Compte rendu IGN. Get this reference

History of the stationILDX

Des travaux ont été effectués sur le faîte où se trouve l'antenne.
- 2012-02-08 installation de l'antenne
- Début Fevrier 2013, à l'issue des travaux de couverture du local du club nautique, l'antenne se retrouve entourée de béton.
- Au 2013-02-20, l'antenne est dégagée du béton et adopte sa position définitive.

Log bookILDX

2022-10-05 (13/10/2022)

From the 22/08 to the 04/09, there has been a problem with the GNSS data transmission. I have been a few times to the island to resolve the problem and recover the data but we have lost some of them. Now, it seems resolved but the 4G flow rate is slow. V.Kerebel

2022-09-13 (30/09/2022)

V. Kerebel and T. Guyot. have participated to the cleaning of the tide staff (located under the radar tide gauge). The second goal has been to recover the data of the GNSS receiver as it did not work at this time. Surely due to a malfunctioning of the router.

2021-11-04 (23/05/2022)

V.Kerebel, A.Mussa and J. Khan from the LIENSs made a test of 2 radars Vega configuration. Each one with a different configuration to have a comparison.
In the same time, the SHOM changed his tide gauge receiver for a more recent one. This work has been done by an engineer from Campbell enterprise.
Also, he installed a meteorological sensor and a camera on the building of tide gauge receiver.

2015-04-01 (23/05/2022)

Absolute gravimetric measurements made on the gravimetry marker of the tourism office by D.Rouxel et S.Lucas of the SHOM.
Material: Microg-Lacoste A10.

2015-08-17 (23/05/2022)

Absolute gravimetric measurements made on the gravimetry marker of the tourism office by Nicolas Le Moigne and Michaël Bonno from Montpellier (UMR 5243) during the night. Material: FG5. The following days, they performed similar measurements to La Pallice (at La Rochelle).

2021-09-16 (23/05/2022)

V. Kerebel and T. Guyot. have participated to the cleaning of the tide staff (located under the radar tide gauge).
The second goal has been to recover the data of the GNSS antenna placed on the tide gauge mast in the objective to do reflectometry analysis.

2020-12-03 (04/12/2020)

D.Dausse (CNRS) and E.Poirier (ULR) have fixed the barometer Vaisala PTU200. It is now interfaced with the GR50 and outputs Atmospheric pressure and temperature at 1min interval. GR50 has been properly attached to the wall.

[RGPmail] - 2019-06-26 (29/07/2019)

The data from GNSS station ILDX (17, France) are available since session 2019-176a. Missing data are definitely lost.

2019-06-07 (07/06/2019)

ILDX breakdown since session 152t. Inbestigation aborted on day 158 due to a storm at Aix. No idea of what is causing the disfunctioning. Station dowmn will hopefully be fixed next week day 163. GNSS Antenna is still in place and no power failure has been reported by local contacts. E.Poirier

No 09881: [ILDX00FRA] No data available (07/06/2019)

EUREF Electronic Mail 04-Jun-2019 08:00:08 UTC Message Number 09881

Author: Tanguy GARMOND
Subject: [ILDX00FRA] No data available

Subject: [ILDX00FRA] No data available

Dear colleagues,

We have not received any data from ILDX station since Saturday, session 152t.
We do not know the cause of the problem.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Best regards,

Tanguy Garmond

[EUREFmail - 7924] - 2015-04-30 (30/04/2015)

The station ILDX (Ile d'AZix, France) is working now.
Missing data have been saved.

[EUREFmail-7923] - 2015-04-30 (30/04/2015)

The site of the station ILDX ( Ile d'Aix, France) is encountering some
electric problems since the DOY 118e. The missing data are definitely lost.

We try and fix it as soon as possible.