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Partners, roles and main contacts

In June 2014 an agreement has been signed between the historical partners of SONEL (IGN, SHOM, CNRS, University of la Rochelle and Toulouse) establishing the role and commitment of each partner and defining the governing bodies.

The agreement is available here (in french).

SONEL at the University of La Rochelle

Université de La Rochelle
UMR 6250 LIENSs (CNRS - Université de La Rochelle)
Bâtiment ILE
2 rue Olympe de Gouges
F-17042 LA ROCHELLE Cedex

Telephone : +33 (0)5 46 45 82 74

- Guy Wöppelmann, responsible of SONEL Data Assembly Centre.
- Médéric Gravelle, GPS data analyses & joint products with tide gauges.
- Mikael Guichard, IT infrastructure of SONEL data centre (GLOSS) and computing facility (IGS/TIGA).
- Elizabeth Prouteau, TIGA (IGS) Network Coordinator for GPS@TG stations.
- Etienne Poirier, GNSS stations and tide gauges installation and maintenance.

Associate researchers:
- Valérie Ballu, Marine geodesy, ocean altimetry.
- Alvaro Santamaria-Gomez, GPS data analyses.
- Carine Bruyninx, Support in GPS data management and analyses from EUREF experience (Royal Observatory of Belgium).


Projet RONIM
13, rue du Chatellier - BP 426
CS 92803
F-29228 BREST CEDEX 2, France
Mail: ronim@shom.fr

, RONIM tide gauge network.
, Collectes et traitements des données des marégraphes RONIM.
, Instrumentation marégraphes.
, National coordinator for in situ sea level observations.


18, av. Edouard Belin
31401 Toulouse Cedex 4, France

, SONEL scientific coordinator, ROSAME network.
, Tide gauge data acquisition and local data centre for ROSAME.


 Institut national de l’information géographique et forestière
73, avenue de Paris,

, SONEL contact at IGN.
, installation of GNSS at tide gauges stations.
, coordinator of the Permanent GNSS Network (RGP).
, Levelling and tide gauges (Marseille).
, director of the Geodesy and Levelling Service (SGN) at IGN.