Accueil News > 12-14 January 2021 : First EuroSea tide gauge network workshop

12-14 January 2021 : First EuroSea tide gauge network workshop

EuroGOOS has announced the date of the first of two workshops to be organised as part of the EuroSea programme. This workshop will focus on experiences, challenges and discussion around the operation of tide gauge networks.

La Rochelle University, hosting the SONEL tide gauge and GNSS data hub is involved in the organisation of the workshop and, together with colleagues from other sea level data centres, will be discussing how to improve data flow to and from data centres. There will also be sessions on :

 emerging technologies,
 the use of GNSS at tide gauges to measure land movement,
 how events such as meteo-tsunami influence extreme sea levels,
 and reports on how COVID-19 has affected the operation of sea level networks.

The meeting, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, will be fully virtual and will span three half day sessions, on 12-14 January 2021. Registration is free and available online.

More details and the official announcement by clicking on the banner below :

A second workshop focused on quality control of tide gauge data is planned for 2022.