IGS-type acronym : | ONSA |
Latitude : | 57.39529722 |
Longitude : | 11.92551389 |
Installed date : | 1993-07-01 |
Decommissioned date : | |
Country : | SWEDEN |
City: | ONSALA |
Station status : | active (green) |
Distance to Tide Gauge (m) : | 533 |
Domes Nr.: | 10402M004 |
Station operator: | Unknown |
IGS-like station form : |
M | Material change or malfunction |
E | Earthquake |
RF | Reference Frame change |
U | Unknown |
NA | Not available |
Position discontinuity | |
Velocity discontinuity |
Plots generated using software developed with the EPN team at ROB |
Observations & tracking performance | Satellite tracking |
The satellite tracking graph has been calculated for all stations for the first day of each month. If you wish to have a graph for another date, choose the 'Calculate a specific date' option.
The firmware in Septentrio PolaRx5TR on stations ONSA and SPT0 has been upgraded to 5.3.0
Updated sitelogs has been submitted to M3G.
On DOY 092 the receivers on stations ONSA00SWE and SPT000SWE were changed from JAVAD TRE_G3TH DELTA to SEPT POLARX5TR.
Updated site log have been submitted.
With this change we will start uploading daily and hourly RINEX3 files from the stations.
The real time streams will also be updated from GPS GLO only to RTCM MSM with all system tracked by the receiver, GPS GLO GAL BDS SBAS.
Until yesterday the RINEX files for the two stations were created from streamed data but since that process have destroyed some timing information we have changed to using data direct from receiver for RINEX.
We have planned power cut off on station ONSA and ONS1 between 07:00-12:00 CET time.
Hopefully it will come up before 12:00 CET time.
The antenna on station Onsala have now been repaired and we have started submitting data again.
For the period from May 22 to July 08 the station have been offline during troubleshooting, waiting for spare parts and repair of the pre-amplifier in the antenna. No data from that period is available.
We are having problems with the antenna at station ONSA. Troubleshooting is ongoing.
The data flow has stopped until further notice.
Due to troubleshooting on station ONSA DOY 071 9-12 UTC, distributed data is corrupt.
The radome at ONSA station will be removed today (August 28) at approximately UTC 12:00. The station will operate without radome for approximately one month, due to participation in the IGS Radome Experiment at Co-located stations; see https://sites.google.com/a/igs.org/igsnet/infrastructure-committee/radome-experiment-2011.
ONSA station was unavailable between UTC 06:00 and UTC 08:00 on July 4 (day 185) due to maintenance.
The antenna and radom was removed and restored, and the microwave absorbing material (Eccosorb TM)around the antenna was renewed.
Due to the renewal of the Eccosorb, it is possible that a shift in position will appear in time series at the date for the maintenance.