Contributing agency

Station summarySKE0

  • More informations on each symbol.
  • GPS
    Tide Gauge
IGS-type acronym : SKE0
Latitude : 64.87920380
Longitude : 21.04829979
Installed date : 1992-06-15
Decommissioned date :
Country : SWEDEN
Station status : active (green)
Distance to Tide Gauge (m) : 9530
Domes Nr.: 10426M001
IGS-like station form :

GPS position times seriesSKE0


(Reference epoch: )

Offsets (mm)

MMaterial change or malfunction
RFReference Frame change
NANot available
Position discontinuity
Velocity discontinuity
Vertical component
East component
North Component

Data available at SONELSKE0

Quality plots on RINEX filesSKE0

Quality plots on RINEX files of SKE0 Quality plots on RINEX files of SKE0 Royal Observatory of Belgium

Plots generated using software developed with the EPN team at ROB
Observations & tracking performance Satellite tracking

informations (this operation may take 20 to 45s)

The satellite tracking graph has been calculated for all stations for the first day of each month. If you wish to have a graph for another date, choose the 'Calculate a specific date' option.

Comparison with satellite altimetry data

Co-located instrumentsSKE0

Photo albumSKE0

Log bookSKE0

[EUREFmail-09831] - 2019-04-16 (26/04/2019)

Earlier today DOY 106/2019 at 7:35 UTC the receiver on station SKE000SWE was moved back to the correct antenna.
We have started submitting hourly and daily rinex data again. The real-time data stream has also been reactivated.

[EUREFmail-09827] - 2019-04-15 (26/04/2019)

We have discovered that the new receiver on SKE000SWE by mistake was connected to the wrong antenna when it was installed. Files for SKE0 after DOY 099/2019 contains data from the other station on the site (SKE800SWE)

Submission of daily and hourly rinexfiles and realtime data has been stopped until the receiver can be moved to the correct antenna. We will try to do this as soon as possible

[EUREFmail-09817] - 2019-04-08 (26/04/2019)

On DOY 098 the receiver on station SKE000SWE was changed from JAVAD TRE_G3T SIGMA to SEPT POLARX5
Updated site log have been submitted.

With this change we will start uploading daily and hourly RINEX3 files from the station.
The real time stream will also be updated from GPS GLO only to RTCM MSM with all system tracked by the receiver, GPS GLO GAL BDS SBAS.

[EUREFmail-9441] - 2018-06-14 (19/06/2018)

The receiver on station SKE0 was changed today DOY 165.

Old receiver JAVAD TRE_G3TH DELTA to new receiver JAVAD TRE_G3T SIGMA.

Updated site log have been submitted.