To assign more realistic uncertainties on the GPS velocities, the noise content in the position time series was examined by the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) technique using CATS software (Williams, 2008). Time series were detrended at the CATREF stage. Details on the GPS velocity uncertainty assessment are given in the reference below.
– Vertical velocities table
The ULR6b_Vertical-Velocities_Table provides the vertical GPS velocities and uncertainties for the 493 stations fulfilling the criteria of 3 years of minimum length without discontinuities and with data gaps not exceeding 30%.
– Daily time series
The file contains individual station data files of daily position time series in ITRF2014 with respect to the position at the reference epoch. These positions are expressed in meters in the local frame (North, East, and Up). The reference position and the 3D velocity in the local coordinate system (East, North, Up) are provided in the header of each file.
– Position discontinuities
The ULR6b_discontinuities_Table.txt file provides the position offsets that were estimated.