Accueil News > GLOSS GE 14 and Indian Ocean Sea Level Science Workshop (19-23 October 2015)

GLOSS GE 14 and Indian Ocean Sea Level Science Workshop (19-23 October 2015)

The fourteenth session of the Group of Experts for the Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS) will be held at the CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (Goa, India) during the week of 19-23 October 2015.

The week will start with a workshop dedicated to Indian Ocean Sea Level Science
(19-21 October 2015). The GLOSS GE meeting will follow on Wednesday, 21 October (afternoon) to Friday, 23 October.

Please tell us about your new updates at :

Contacts :
Dr. Thorkild Aarup (IOC/UNESCO)

Dr. A.S. Unnikrishnan

Further details :

The workshop will be open to all interested persons, including those attending the GLOSS GE meeting. There is no registration fee to attend the Workshop. IOC will be able to provide travel assistance to a few participants. The workshop will have presentations covering many aspects of global and regional sea level variability including :
 Global sea level change
 Indian Ocean Sea Level changes, Mean sea level changes and Climate variability
 Sea level measurements (tsunami/ sea level network), continuous GNSS
 Impacts (Low-lying areas, mangroves, coral reefs) and Paleo sea level (Holocene),
Archeological studies
 Special session on SARAL/AltiKa satellite altimetry data analysis for sea level studies.

Students from India, countries in the Indian Ocean region and Asia are in particular encouraged to participate, as are students working with the Indo-French SARAL/AltiKa mission.

Anyone wishing to contribute to the science workshop should send their abstract to Dr. A.S. Unnikrishnan ( before 15 May 2015.

Anyone wishing to attend the workshop or the GE meeting should make their wishes known to the GLOSS Technical Secretary, Dr. Thorkild Aarup (, who is responsible for the meeting agenda and attendance list.

 Registration by 1 JUNE 2015 is required due to visa process.
 See details here : final annoucement (PDF file).
 More information available at :