Since the 21st of February 2015, a GNSS permanent station is operationnal at Cherbourg tide gauge site.
Contact :
Etienne Poirier (LIENSs - ULR/CNRS)
Tel. 05 46 45 83 94
Some details:
After Dieppe in January this year, it is now Cherbourg (France) that has been chosen for the installation of a permanent GNSS station.
Operations took place at the DCNS secured site of Cherbourg from the 16 to 20 Februray 2015 during the spring tides. We were very lucky with the weather during the leveling on wednesday.
Thomas (IGN) and Etienne (University of La Rochelle) installed a 2-meter steel mast (LECLERC type) right on top of the concrete tide gauge shed. On top of the mast is now a Leica AR20 "choke ring" GNSS antenna that is connected to a Leica GR25 GNSS receiver located inside the shed.
The GNSS station is operational and the network connection is optimal. It is recording data daily at a 30 seconds sampling rate. After a few weeks of measurements, a precise reference position of this new station will be calculated.
SONEL team would like to thank all people that helped with the success of this operation, especially the DCNS that kindly accepted our presence at the Cherbourg industrial site during one week.
Photos from Thomas Donal (IGN)
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