Regular campaigns are undertaken by the SONEL team to incorporate new stations and observations in the GPS database . If those stations are newly installed, their data enter the standard stream of automatic collection that intercompares the SONEL data holdings with those of the remote data center, and only the missing files within the last 60 days are collected. Consequently, newly reported stations operating for longer than 60 days require a manual procedure.
This news is to inform about the results of those manual campaigns of data collection which take place at regular intervals, whenever a new agency contributes its GPS data to the geodetic monitoring of tide gauges (following the free and public data policy of the WMO and IOC programs such as GLOSS).
Contact :
Elizabeth Prouteau, IT Engineer
Briefly :
SONEL automatically collects daily the data of several hundreds of GPS@TG stations, and distributes them via FTP and Web servers. Regularly, a few new stations are added, and their data collected at once for long time periods over 60 days. In addition, the IGS or EUREF often alerts on newly available data, either because the remote link with the station was interrupted for a long period of time or because the data files were corrupted but later on the correct files were ultimately gathered, thereby offering the opportunity to complete the SONEL data holdings.
The file here provided (click on the right picture) provides a summary on the manual collection campaigns of GPS data that have taken place between January 2012 and January 2013 (included). Those concern observations that may have been recorded between 1986 and 2012.
For one station, the different lines correspond to different download dates. For each download date, the first and last day of downloaded data are given, without specifying the data gaps during that period.
A news will keep you informed on the manual collection campaigns, likely monthly, whenever it has resulted in substantial new data acquisition.