Home News > Pressure tide gauge now operational at the Aix Island (France)

Pressure tide gauge now operational at the Aix Island (France)

Monday 9th of March 2015, Clément Mayet and Etienne Poirier (University of La Rochelle, France) replaced the power unit of the pressure tide gauge (RBR) located at Aix Island, towards the end of the Barbotin jetty.

The operation took place seamless under good weather conditions. The tide gauge has been setup to record at a 1-min. sampling rate with an averaging time period of 40 seconds applied on the 1s raw data.

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Contact :
Etienne Poirier (LIENSs - ULR/CNRS)

Tel. 05 46 45 83 94

Pictures from the University of La Rochelle:

Supplemental details:

This operation is timely with respect to the forthcoming exceptional spring tides on the 21st of March (equinoxes). The pressure gauge is an important component of the tide gauge station, as it supplements the primary tide gauge (radar gauge).

 Station webpage: Aix Island tide gauge
 2015 exceptional spring tides (in French, SHOM): Further reading in French (SHOM)