Contributing agency

Station summaryDYNG

  • More informations on each symbol.
  • GPS
    Tide Gauge
IGS-type acronym : DYNG
Latitude : 38.07855800
Longitude : 23.93242800
Installed date : 2011-05-12
Decommissioned date :
Country : GREECE
Station status : active (green)
Distance to Tide Gauge (m) : 7773
Domes Nr.: 12602M006
Station operator: (CNES) - Centre National d"Etudes Spatiales (NTUA) - National Technical University of Athens
IGS-like station form :

GPS position times seriesDYNG


(Reference epoch: )

Offsets (mm)

MMaterial change or malfunction
RFReference Frame change
NANot available
Position discontinuity
Velocity discontinuity
Vertical component
East component
North Component

Data available at SONELDYNG

Quality plots on RINEX filesDYNG

Quality plots on RINEX files of DYNG Quality plots on RINEX files of DYNG Royal Observatory of Belgium

Plots generated using software developed with the EPN team at ROB
Observations & tracking performance Satellite tracking

informations (this operation may take 20 to 45s)

The satellite tracking graph has been calculated for all stations for the first day of each month. If you wish to have a graph for another date, choose the 'Calculate a specific date' option.

Co-located instrumentsDYNG

Photo albumDYNG

Log bookDYNG

[EUREFmail-10097] - 2019-12-23 (18/06/2020)

DYNG station is back online after a receiver change (with new firmware version 5.43).
Differed time data are lost from 2019-11-13 00:45 UTC to 2019-12-23 08:00 UTC.
The updated sitelog has been submitted to IGS/EUREF.

[EUREFmail-10274-10275] - 2020-06-03 (03/06/2020)

10274: Station was unavailable from 2020-02-28 10:15 UTC to 2020-05-28 10:00 UTC following a network outage. Missing data have been released.

10275: A firmware upgrade was done for DYNG station. New sitelog has been submitted to EUREF.

[EUREFmail-10065] - 2019-11-27 (27/11/2019)

The station is unavailable since 11/13/2019 due to Internet outage. All is done for recovering a normal state.

[IGSSTATION-7033] - 2017-05-30 (30/05/2017)

Due to a power failure, DYNG data from DOY 2017/147 07:30z to DOY 2017/149 10:00z are unavailable.

[IGSSTATION-6977] - 2016-03-14 (15/03/2017)

DYNG station is unavailable since 2017-03-11 08:15Z.

[EUREFmail-8779] - 2016-11-04 (07/11/2016)

DYNG station is available since today Nov. 04, 10:00Z.
Missing data have been submitted.

[IGSSTATION-6846] - 2016-11-03 (03/11/2016)

DYNG station is unavailable since Nov. 01, 10:30Z.
We hope retrieve data as soon as possible.

[IGSSTATION-6843] - 2016-11-02 (02/11/2016)

DYNG station is encountering some problems since doy 306 10:30 UTC.
Everything is done to fix the problem as soon as possible.

[IGSSTATION-6685] - 2016-06-09 (09/06/2016)

DYNG station is unavailable. An investigation is in progress.
We will keep you informed on when the problem will be fixed

[EUREFmail-8214] - 2015-10-23 (13/11/2015)

Elevation cutoff has been changed the 8th of October from 3 to 0 DEG for the following stations : DYNG GRAS TLSE

[IGSSTATION-6311] - 2015-09-10 (10/09/2015)

We lose some L2 and L5 observables on DYNG station since 2015-08-19 due to a tracking issue (possible antenna failure TBC).

[EUREFmail-7686] - 2014-10-29 (07/11/2014)

DYNG station is unavailable since day 2014/297.

[EUREFmail-7437] - 2014-05-12 (12/05/2014)

We've encountered a problem on our mission center. The data from session 127r to 132i are unavailable for DYNG, GRAS, and TLSE.
Treatment will be relaunched as soon as possible for all the stations concerned by the issue.

[EUREFmail-7141] - 2013-09-20 (24/10/2013)

Data from 16 July 2013 12hZ to 13 August 2013 14hZ have been lost, because of a blackout.

[EUREFmail-6857] - 2013-03-13 (13/03/2013)

DYNG station is unavailable for day 2013/044.