IGS-type acronym : | EDIN |
Latitude : | 55.92478333 |
Longitude : | -3.29479166 |
Installed date : | 2000-03-16 |
Decommissioned date : | 2020-09-08 |
Country : | UK |
Station status : | Decommissioned (white and red cross) |
Distance to Tide Gauge (m) : | 10105 |
Domes Nr.: | 13217S001 |
Station operator: | (OS) - Ordnance Survey Geodesy and Positioning |
IGS-like station form : |
M | Material change or malfunction |
E | Earthquake |
RF | Reference Frame change |
U | Unknown |
NA | Not available |
Position discontinuity | |
Velocity discontinuity |
Plots generated using software developed with the EPN team at ROB |
Observations & tracking performance | Satellite tracking |
The satellite tracking graph has been calculated for all stations for the first day of each month. If you wish to have a graph for another date, choose the 'Calculate a specific date' option.
EUREF Electronic Mail 08-Sep-2020 13:45:09 UTC Message Number 10371
Author: Mark Greaves
Subject: EDIN00GBR - station decommissioning
Dear Colleagues,
Further to the previous EUREFMail #10356 (copied below) the EPN station at Edinburgh (EDIN00GBR) has this morning (09:40 UTC) been removed.
Best regards
Mark Greaves, MSc MRICS
Senior Production Consultant - Geodesy
Ordnance Survey
Adanac Drive, Southampton, United Kingdom, SO16 0AS
www.os.uk | mark.greaves@os.uk
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Our values are: Think Customer | Thrive Together | Stay Ahead | Seize the Moment
EUREF Electronic Mail 18-Aug-2020 10:45:03 UTC Message Number 10356
Author: Mark Greaves
Subject: EDIN00GBR - station decommissioning
Dear Colleagues,
I am sorry to say that we have been given notice to decommission our Edinburgh
(EDIN00GBR) EPN station. This station has been in operation since March 2000 and
the last day of operation will be 7th September 2020.
We have been in lengthy negotiations to try to retain this station but,
disappointingly, have not been successful. Unfortunately we do not as yet have
a replacement available though we are in the process of trying to locate a
replacement site.
I am sorry for any inconvenience the loss of this station may cause.
Best regards