IGS-type acronym : | USN7 |
Latitude : | 38.92056600 |
Longitude : | -77.06627700 |
Installed date : | 2014-11-12 |
Decommissioned date : | |
Country : | U.S.A. |
Station status : | active (green) |
Distance to Tide Gauge (m) : | 6500 |
Domes Nr.: | 40451S009 |
Station operator: | (USNO) - U.S. Naval Observatory |
IGS-like station form : |
M | Material change or malfunction |
E | Earthquake |
RF | Reference Frame change |
U | Unknown |
NA | Not available |
Position discontinuity | |
Velocity discontinuity |
Plots generated using software developed with the EPN team at ROB |
Observations & tracking performance | Satellite tracking |
The satellite tracking graph has been calculated for all stations for the first day of each month. If you wish to have a graph for another date, choose the 'Calculate a specific date' option.
Please be advised that site USN7 has been experiencing unexplained data gaps.
Site personnel have been contacted. Updates as more info is available.
The receiver firmware was upgraded to version 0.0.0-181002 at the USNO Washington D.C. (USN7) IGS station.
USN7 sitelog has been modified to note the current state of the operation.
While we are evaluating the absolute calibration values determined by The United States Naval Observatory (USNO) for the USN7 station, please note the data being published from the Septentrio receiver as of 2018-08-28 has no calibration being applied to the RINEX data.
IGS will be notified when new calibration values are available and applied. Old data will also be reprocessed and resubmitted to IGS at that time.
USN7 sitelog has been modified to note the current state of the data.
The USN7 station will resume data flow to the IGS. Beginning at 0000 UTC on 28 August 2018, data for USN7 will be from a Septentrio PolaRx5 TR receiver with an absolute calibration determined by USNO and validated by JPL. Data for the previous Ashtech receiver will be backfilled.
Please be advised, due to cable change at USN7(USNO, Washington D.C.), new delay calibration values are being applied to RINEX data starting 2017.230. The publication of data will resume shortly. Please check the sitelog for details.
On 2016-11-06, stations equipped with Ashtech Z12T receivers (AMC2, MAD2, USN7), experienced an erroneous week rollover event (receiver reporting GPS week of 898 instead of 1922) which led to the following data outages.
USN7 data outage from 2016-11-06T00:00Z - 2016-11-06T13:59Z, with some intermittent outages between 2016-11-06T14:00Z - 2016-11-07T17:59Z.
Data publication for these stations has resumed.