Contributing agency

Station summaryTAR0

  • More informations on each symbol.
  • GPS
    Tide Gauge
IGS-type acronym : TAR000ESP
Latitude : 36.00855115
Longitude : -5.60269468
Installed date : 2019-06-06
Decommissioned date :
Country : SPAIN
Station status : active (green)
Distance to Tide Gauge (m) : 8
Domes Nr.: 19350M002
Station operator: (IGNE) - Instituto Geografico Nacional
IGS-like station form :

GPS position times seriesTAR0


(Reference epoch: )

Offsets (mm)

MMaterial change or malfunction
RFReference Frame change
NANot available
Position discontinuity
Velocity discontinuity
Vertical component
East component
North Component

Data available at SONELTAR0

Quality plots on RINEX filesTAR0

Quality plots on RINEX files of TAR0 Quality plots on RINEX files of TAR0 Royal Observatory of Belgium

Plots generated using software developed with the EPN team at ROB
Observations & tracking performance Satellite tracking

informations (this operation may take 20 to 45s)

The satellite tracking graph has been calculated for all stations for the first day of each month. If you wish to have a graph for another date, choose the 'Calculate a specific date' option.

Co-located instrumentsTAR0

Photo albumTAR0


If you have a relevant reference to suggest, please send-us an e-mail : sonel@sonel.org
  • puce Gravalon, Seoane et al., 2021. The impact of barometric variations on the sea level in coastal areas using GNSS reflectometry. IGARSS Conference.
  • puce Gravalon, Seoane et al., 2022. Determination of weather-induced short-term sea level variations by GNSS reflectometry. Remote Sensing of Environment. Get this reference BibTeX of the reference

Log bookTAR0

[EUREFmail-11619] - 2024-01-04 (17/01/2024)

Author: Jose A. Sanchez Sobrino
Subject: TAR000ESP: 6 cm subsidence

Dear colleagues,

Due to works in the dock of the port where the station TAR0 is located, it has suffered a subsidence of 6 cm
between DOYs 347 and 355 (2023). Since then, it has stabilised, but still we don't know if the station has to be decommissioned.

Best regards

Jose Antonio Sanchez Sobrino
Instituto Geografico Nacional
C/ General Ibanez de Ibero, 3 jassobrino@fomento.es
28003 Madrid - SPAIN

[EUREFmail-09978] - 2019-09-16 (26/09/2019)

We are glad to announce that from September 15, 2019 on, one new
permanent GNSS station will be included in the EUREF Permanent
Network : the station TAR000ESP (Tarifa) is operated by the Instituto
Geografico Nacional de Espana (see

Type antenna calibration values for that station (LEIAR20/LEIM)
are included in ftp://epncb.eu/pub/station/general/epn_14.atx.

The complete station log can be retrieved from the EUREF permanent
network Central Bureau : ftp://epncb.eu/pub/station/log_9char or
through the web-page of the station

The Ocean Loading tables
ftp://epncb.eu/pub/station/general/EPN_FES2004.BLQ and
have been updated in order to include that station.

The daily and hourly RINEX 2 (GPS GLO) and RINEX 3 (GPS GLO GAL)
data are available from the BKG and BEV EPN regional data centres.

Real-time data is available from the EPN regional brodacaster ROB.

The data of TAR000ESP are processed by the ASI, BEK, IGE and WUT
analysis centres.

We expect to see the results in the EUREF combined solution from
GPS WK 2071 on.