IGS-type acronym : | QAQ1 |
Latitude : | 60.71519852 |
Longitude : | -46.04779816 |
Installed date : | 2001-10-10 |
Decommissioned date : | |
Station status : | active (green) |
Distance to Tide Gauge (m) : | 700 |
Domes Nr.: | 43007M001 |
Station operator: | Unknown |
IGS-like station form : |
M | Material change or malfunction |
E | Earthquake |
RF | Reference Frame change |
U | Unknown |
NA | Not available |
Position discontinuity | |
Velocity discontinuity |
Plots generated using software developed with the EPN team at ROB |
Observations & tracking performance | Satellite tracking |
The satellite tracking graph has been calculated for all stations for the first day of each month. If you wish to have a graph for another date, choose the 'Calculate a specific date' option.
Hourly and daily RINEX V3 files are now available from QAQ1, SCOR and THU2 beginning from Day 2020-161.
QAQ1, SCOR firmware have been updated version 5.3.2
The QAQ100GRL SEPTENTRIO POLARX5S has been replaced by a SEPTENTRIO POLARX5, and the sitelog has been updated accordingly.
QAQ100GRL and SCOR00GRL have been firmware upgraded from V 5.2.0 to V 5.3.0, and updated sitelogs are submittet.
QAQ1 has resumed operation now with a Septentrio PolaRx5S receiver.
For operational reasons QAQ1 is temporarily out of operation.
A planned replacement of receivers in Qaqortoq will be taking place sometime between oct. 3rd and oct. 9th, which will cause a lengthy interruption in the dataflow.
Data from QAQ1 for day 248 is missing due to logging failure.
Data from QAQ1 for day 223 is missing due to logging failure.