Station summaryKIR0

  • More informations on each symbol.
  • GPS
    Tide Gauge
IGS-type acronym : KIR0
Latitude : 67.87760162
Longitude : 21.06019974
Installed date : 1993-08-01
Decommissioned date :
Country : SWEDEN
Station status : active (green)
Domes Nr.: 10422M001
Station operator: Unknown
IGS-like station form :

GPS position times seriesKIR0


(Reference epoch: )

Offsets (mm)

MMaterial change or malfunction
RFReference Frame change
NANot available
Position discontinuity
Velocity discontinuity
Vertical component
East component
North Component

Data available at SONELKIR0

Quality plots on RINEX filesKIR0

Quality plots on RINEX files of KIR0 Quality plots on RINEX files of KIR0 Royal Observatory of Belgium

Plots generated using software developed with the EPN team at ROB
Observations & tracking performance Satellite tracking

informations (this operation may take 20 to 45s)

The satellite tracking graph has been calculated for all stations for the first day of each month. If you wish to have a graph for another date, choose the 'Calculate a specific date' option.

Co-located instrumentsKIR0

Log bookKIR0

[EUREFmail-10241] - 2020-04-28 (18/06/2020)

From today (DOY 119), the submission of RINEX2 data from sites KIR0, KIR8, MAR6, MAR7, ONSA, ONS1, SPT0, ARJ6, HAS6, JON6, KAD6, LEK6, LOV6, OSK6, OST6, NOR7, OVE6, SKE8, SUN6, SVE6, UME6, VAE6, VIL6, VIS6, SKE0, VIL0, VIS0
has been stopped.

[IGSSTATION-7852] -2020-01-29 (04/02/2020)

The radome at station KIR000SWE will be regularly cleared from snow on a weekly basis during snow seasons (usually Thursdays), starting from 2020-01-17.

[IGSSTATION-7798] -2019-11-07 (15/11/2019)

On day 2019/310, 2019-11-06 the SEPT POLARX5 receiver on station KIR000SWE was updated to firmware 5.3.0

Please be advised that by mistake, files with mixed firmware versions were uploaded to datacenters BKG and BEV.
The daily files and hourly file for hour Q has data from both before and after the receiver was updated.

[EUREFmail-09774] -2019-03-12 (18/03/2019)

Rinex3 files from stations KIR000SWE and MAR600SWE between DOY 051/2019 and 057/2019 have wrongly contained some rinex2 type observations mixed with Rinex3 types.
New corrected daily files have been uploaded to BKG and BEV.

Files with bad observation types have a data source from streamed data (filenames KIR000SWE_S_..., MAR600SWE_S_...) while the corrected files have data source receiver (filenames KIR000SWE_R_..., MAR600SWE_R_...)

[EUREFmail-9500] -2018-07-26 (30/07/2018)

Stations Kiruna (KIR0) and Kiruna-mast (KIR8) have experienced a power-cut and some damaged equipment, resulting in data unavailability. We are working on fixing the problems as soon as possible.

[IGSSTATION-7353] -2018-07-05 (12/07/2018)

The receiver on station KIR0 was changed on DOY180.
From old receiver JAVAD TRE_G3TH DELTA to new receiver JAVAD TRE_G3T SIGMA.
Updated site log have been submitted.

[EUREFmail-9464] -2018-06-29 (04/07/2018)

The receiver on station KIR0 was changed today DOY180.
>From old receiver JAVAD TRE_G3TH DELTA to new receiver JAVAD TRE_G3T SIGMA.
Updated site log have been submitted.

[EUREFmail-9453] -2018-06-20 (22/06/2018)

Station Kiruna (KIR0) have delivered poor data DOY 164-169 due to poor tracking result. The data quality is OK from DOY 170.

[IGSSTATION-8675] -2016-08-16 (31/08/2016)

We are having problems with tracking of satellites on KIR0 (KIR000SWE) and believe that the antenna is faulty and it will be replaced on Monday (22-August ).

[IGSSTATION-5912] -2014-08-11 (18/08/2014)

Station KIR0 is now working again since 11 Aug (DOY 223).

[IGSSTATION-5912] -2014-08-11
Station KIR0 has stopped tracking satellites since 5 Aug (DOY 217).
The receiver will be replaced as soon as possible.

[IGSSTATION-5499] -2013-08-16 (19/08/2013)

The tracking problem on station KIR0 is now solved.
The hourly files were by mistake submitted for the period when we were troubleshooting the station.
The files from day 227, sessions H and I, contains periods of data from a temporary site with a different position.
These files should not be used.

Reminding [IGSSTATION-5497] -2013-08-14:
Station KIR0 has problem tracking satellites. We have stopped the dataflow while we troubleshoot the station.
Data submission will be restarted as soon as the station is working again.

[IGSSTATION-5481] -2013-07-22 (29/07/2013)

Please be advised that daily RINEX data for station KIR0 are missing since DOY 200 hour H.

[IGSSTATION-5216] -2012-12-13 (13/12/2012)

I would just like to inform you that the receiver history of the Swedish IGS-station KIR0 has been changed in the log-file.
The site started in IGS as the IGEX/IGLOS station KR0G and became 2003-08-19 the IGS-station KIR0. KIR0 was already before that date included in EPN, where it submitted data from a GPS only receiver connected to the same antenna. The old IGS-site log reflects the receiver history of KR0G before 2003-08-19, the new one is identical to the EPN site log, i.e. reflecting the GPS only receiver before 2003-08-19.
The new site-log complies with the data in the RINEX-archives at IGS and EPN.