Station summary

Showing all stations within 1000 km of the observed station Active station No data for 30 days Decommissioned No observations in SONEL (Survey) Not co-located with observed station
Showing all stations within 1000 km of the observed station Available data / Station OK Available data / Problem(s) detected Does not work No longer exists Foreign partner management Not co-located with observed station
Showing all stations within 1000 km of the observed station Co-located with observed station Not co-located with observed station
  • More informations on each symbol.
  • GPS
    Tide Gauge
Responsible organization: link to REFMAR web page
Latitude : 47.87369919
Longitude : -3.90738010
Start date:
End date:
Country: FRANCE
Station state: VERT

Mean sea level


Daily means


Monthly means


Annual means


Calculating the mean sea levels

Co-located instrumentsCONCA


If you have a relevant reference to suggest, please send-us an e-mail :
  • puce Dodet, Bertin et al., 2019. Characterization of Sea-level Variations Along the Metropolitan Coasts of France: Waves, Tides, Storm Surges and Long-term Changes. Get this reference BibTeX of the reference


2021-09-24 (31/05/2022)

Intervention by the SHOM to change the acquisition central of the tide gauge. Before it was an Elta system, now it is a Campbell. Also, installation of the meteorological sensor METSENS500 and a camera MOBOTIX.

Le 21/01/2010 (07/04/2010)

Mise en place du temps réel nettoyage du câble de l'optiflex.

Le 16/02/2010 (07/04/2010)

Relance du MCN. Archivage des données.

Le 07/12/2009 (07/04/2010)

Problème de connexion avec le marégraphe. Problème avec ligne téléphonique d'une semaine. Puis retour à la normale sans incidence sur les données.

Le 28/06/1999 (06/04/2010)

Installation d'un marégraphe côtier numérique (MCN): capteur radar Krohne BM70 et centrale d'acquisition HT200.

Le 19/10/2006 (06/04/2010)

Changement de marégraphe: capteur radar Krohne Optiflex et mise en place d'une centrale ELTA.

Le 26/11/2009 (11/12/2009)

Relance du MCN. Archive des données à 10 min et HH.
(Manque du 28/06 au 30/06)

Perte de mesures (07/07/2009)

Problème de connection au marégraphe semaine 26. Nos partenaires sont intervenus, la connection est de nouveau possible mais il manque deux jours de mesure du 28/06/2009 au 30/06/2009.

History of this station

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