Station summary

Showing all stations within 1000 km of the observed station Active station No data for 30 days Decommissioned No observations in SONEL (Survey) Not co-located with observed station
Showing all stations within 1000 km of the observed station Available data / Station OK Available data / Problem(s) detected Does not work No longer exists Foreign partner management Not co-located with observed station
Showing all stations within 1000 km of the observed station Co-located with observed station Not co-located with observed station
  • More informations on each symbol.
  • GPS
    Tide Gauge
Latitude : 34.84836100
Longitude : 24.11856200
Country: GREECE
Station state: Foreign partner

Links to data sources

Co-located instrumentsGVDTG

Photo albumGVDTG


If you have a relevant reference to suggest, please send-us an e-mail :
  • puce Willis, Mertikas et al., 2013. DORIS and GPS monitoring of the Gavdos calibration site in Crete. Advances in Space Research. Get this reference