Station summary

Showing all stations within 1000 km of the observed station Active station No data for 30 days Decommissioned No observations in SONEL (Survey) Not co-located with observed station
Showing all stations within 1000 km of the observed station Available data / Station OK Available data / Problem(s) detected Does not work No longer exists Foreign partner management Not co-located with observed station
Showing all stations within 1000 km of the observed station Co-located with observed station Not co-located with observed station
  • More informations on each symbol.
  • GPS
    Tide Gauge
Responsible organization: link to REFMAR web page
Latitude : -20.69199300
Longitude : 164.94312200
Start date:
End date:
Country: FRANCE
Station state: VERT

Mean sea level


Daily means


Monthly means


Annual means


Calculating the mean sea levels

Co-located instrumentsHIENG

Photo albumHIENG


[IGSSTATION-5404] - 2013-05-06 (13/05/2013)

this message is to inform you that, due to an outage affecting the
server managing its Ashtech-ZXII 3T receiver, IENG station stopped to
provide measurements since 2013 May 2nd (DOY 122 ; MJD 56414) at 13:00
UTC to 2013 May 6th (DOY 126 ; MJD 56418) at 10:45 UTC.