LEVELING OF Easter Island (Isla de Pascua)

Benchmark positionning related to the tide gauge station

Benchmarks description table

SOURCE : Déplacement de la station DORIS

Levelling campain :

Benchmark Latitude (°) Longitude (°) Height (m) Distance to Tide Gauge (m) Details
EASB -27.14791947 -109.38354430 --- 4670 Informations détaillées du repère
EASA -27.14786040 -109.38366380 --- 4680 Informations détaillées du repère
EISL -27.14820887 -109.38329500 --- 4670 Informations détaillées du repère
DORIS/mark1 -27.14786045 -109.38366330 --- 4680 Informations détaillées du repère
DORIS/mark2 -27.14791947 -109.38354430 --- 4670 Informations détaillées du repère
M18A -27.15449493 -109.43915690 --- 9980 Informations détaillées du repère
Legend : Fondamental benchmark, GNSS Benchmarks

Leveling evolution

Distance (m) 14014531304001353134004040
Height difference (m) Campaign 1 2001-02-23 -120.9620
± 0.01
± 0.01
± 0.01
± 0.01
± 0.01
± 0.001
± 0.01
± 0.01
± 0.001
± 0.01
± 0.01
± 0.01
± 0.01
± 0.01
± 0.001
Height difference evolution graph

Download leveling data

TIDE GAUGE LOCAL LEVELING NETWORK DATA OF STATION Easter Island ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benchmark Lat. Long. Height Year of determination St.dev Distance_to_TG 10chr (°) 14chr (°) 14chr (m) 10chr 22chr (m)10chr (m) 10chr ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EASB -27.147919 -109.383544 ---- ---- ---- 60 EASA -27.147860 -109.383664 ---- ---- ---- 80 EISL -27.148209 -109.383295 ---- ---- ---- 30 DORIS/mark-27.147860 -109.383663 ---- ---- ---- 80 DORIS/mark-27.147919 -109.383544 ---- ---- ---- 60 M18A -27.154495 -109.439157 ---- ---- ---- 5610

Co-located instruments

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