Benchmark positionning related to the tide gauge station

Benchmarks description table

SOURCE : Campagne Nivmer OP1-2023

Levelling campain :

Benchmark Latitude (°) Longitude (°) Height (m) Distance to Tide Gauge (m) Details
A -46.42561800 51.86281000 0.000 830 Informations détaillées du repère
20 -46.42713400 51.86207300 -0.602 1000 Informations détaillées du repère
3000 -46.42601200 51.86077600 0.718 970 Informations détaillées du repère
Legend : Fondamental benchmark

Benchmarks vertical positionning diagram


Leveling evolution

Stand point
End point
Distance (m)
Height difference (m) Campaign 3 2023-03-28
Campaign 2 2022-03-26
Campaign 1 2007-04-05
Height difference evolution graph

Download leveling data

TIDE GAUGE LOCAL LEVELING NETWORK DATA OF STATION CROZET ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benchmark Lat. Long. Height Year of determination St.dev Distance_to_TG 10chr (°) 14chr (°) 14chr (m) 10chr 22chr (m)10chr (m) 10chr ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIVMER -46.426182 51.854402 51.711 2022 0.00100 640 réservoir -46.432630 51.856955 ---- ---- ---- 150 CRPB -46.431831 51.855584 ---- ---- ---- 20 CROB -46.431831 51.855584 149.596 2022 0.00100 20 CRQB ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 98404C2 -46.431086 51.859044 123.239 2022 0.00200 300 98404C3 46.431023 51.858618 124.780 2022 0.00200 9196280 98404C4 46.432685 51.857522 138.355 2022 0.00200 9196410 CZTG -46.431831 51.855584 149.705 2022 0.00200 20 A -46.425618 51.862810 0.000 2023 0.00000 910 B -46.425618 51.862810 0.631 2022 0.00100 910 C -46.425618 51.862810 0.614 2022 0.00100 910 D -46.425618 51.862810 -1.322 2022 0.00100 910 20 -46.427134 51.862073 -0.602 2023 0.00100 740 3000 -46.426012 51.860776 0.718 2023 0.00200 780

Co-located instruments