Ci-dessous une liste des organismes fournisseurs de données des stations GNSS, triée par pays. A chaque fournisseur sont associées les stations pour lesquelles SONEL dispose de données. Cette liste est en cours de construction. N’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour maintenir cette liste à jour.
E-mail :
PAYS (67) | FOURNISSEUR (211) | SIGLE | Stations GNSS (1021) |
Institut National de l'Information Géographique et Forestière | IGN | (31) | |
Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine | SHOM | (6) | |
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | NOAA | (9) | |
Institut Polaire Français Paul Emile Victor | IPEV | (4) | |
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Volcanologia | INGV | (6) | |
Instituto Geografica Nacional de la Republica Argentina | IGNRA | (8) | |
Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde | BAFG | (44) | |
Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris | IPGP | (5) | |
Centro GNSS de Canarias | CGC | (7) | |
Centre d'Etudes Techniques Maritimes et Fluviales | CETMEF | (7) | |
National Oceanography Centre | NOC | (7) | |
Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía | IECA | (6) | |
Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia | GFA | (1) | |
Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute | KASI | (3) | |
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique | CNRS | (19) | |
Ordnance Survey Ireland | OSI | (3) | |
Réseau National GPS permanent | RENAG | (11) | |
TERIA | TERIA | (20) | |
Ordnance Survey Geodesy and Positioning | OS | (5) | |
Kadaster | NSGI | (11) | |
Diputacion Foral de Vizcaya | DFV | (2) | |
Real Instituto y Observatorio de la Armada | RIOA | (3) | |
Servicio de Informacion Territorial de las Islas Baleares | SITIB | (2) | |
Observatoire de Recherche Méditerranéen de l'Environnement | OREME | (2) | |
Marine Institute | MI | (2) | |
Agency for Data Supply and Infrastructure | SDFI | (19) | |
The Canadian High Arctic Ionospheric Network | CHAIN | (1) | |
Laboratoire de l'Atmosphère et des Cyclones | LACY | (1) | |
Digitaal Vlaanderen | DV | (6) | |
British Columbia Active Control System | BCACS | (3) | |
ARG | Instituto Nacional de Prevención Sísmica | INPRES | (1) |
ARG | Estacion Astronomica Rio Grande | EARG | (3) |
AUS | Geoscience Australia | GA | (50) |
AUS | Department of Environment & Primary Industries | DEPI | (3) |
AUS | Department Infrastructure, Planning & Logistics | DIPL | (2) |
AUS | IPS Radio and Space Services - Australia Bureau of Meteorology | IPS | (1) |
AUS | Australian Surveying & Land Information Group | AUSLIG | (1) |
AUS | Curtin University | Curtin University | (1) |
BEL | Royal Observatory of Belgium | ROB | (1) |
BEN | Institut Geographique National du Benin | IGN-BJ | (1) |
BRA | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística | IBGE | (27) |
BRA | Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais | INPE | (1) |
BRB | Coastal Zone Management Unit | CZMU | (2) |
CAN | National Resources Canada | NRCan | (30) |
CAN | Geological Survey of Canada | GSC | (5) |
CAN | Dept. Internal Services | ISD | (1) |
CHE | Swiss Federal Office of Topography | SWISSTOPO | (1) |
CHL | Departamento de Geofísica, Centro Sismologico Nacional, Univ. de Chile | DGF - CSN | (1) |
CHL | Center for Space Studies | CEC | (2) |
CHL | Universidad de Concepcion | UdeC | (1) |
CHL | Universidad de Antofagasta | UANTOF | (1) |
CHL | Universidad de Santiago de Chile | USACH | (1) |
COL | Instituto Geografico Agustin Codazzi | IGAC | (4) |
COL | Servicio Geologico Colombiano | SGC | (1) |
CPV | Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia e Geofisica | INMG | (1) |
CRI | Registro Nacional Republica Costa Rica | RNP | (3) |
CYM | Cayman Land Info | CAYMAN | (1) |
DEU | Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum | GFZ | (22) |
DEU | Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut | DGFI | (2) |
DEU | Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie | BKG | (21) |
DNK | DTU Space National Space Institute | DTU-Space | (12) |
DNK | Danish Geodata Agency | GST | (1) |
DOM | Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña | UNPHU | (3) |
ECU | Instituto Geografico Militar Ecuador | IGM_EC | (2) |
ECU | Instituto Geofisico de Escuela Politécnica Nacional | IGEPN | (4) |
EGY | Centre d'Etudes Alexandrines | CEAlex | (2) |
ESP | Instituto Geografico Nacional | IGNE | (41) |
ESP | Puertos del Estado | PDE | (9) |
ESP | Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia | IEO | (1) |
ESP | Geodetic Department Universtidad de Cantabria | UC | (1) |
ESP | Department of Applied Geodesy - Aranzadi Society of Sciences | ADAG | (1) |
EST | Estonian Land Board | ELB | (15) |
FIN | Finnish Geospatial Research Institute, National Land Survey of Finland | FGI-NLS | (5) |
FRA | Laboratoire d'Etudes en Geophysique et Oceanographie Spatiale | LEGOS | (6) |
FRA | Direction des Infrastructures, de la Topographie et des Transports Terrestres | DITTT | (6) |
FRA | Port Autonome de Nantes - Saint-Nazaire | PANSN | (1) |
FRA | Laboratoire de Géologie de l’Ecole normale supérieure | GEOL ENS | (3) |
FRA | Centre National d"Etudes Spatiales | CNES | (19) |
FRA | LIENSs - OASU | LIENSs - OASU | (18) |
FRA | SATINFO Réseau GNSS | SAT-INFO | (7) |
FRA | GIE Coop&Tech - Réseau RTK - Groupement de Cooperatives Agricoles | GIE Coop&Tech | (3) |
FRA | Ville de Nice | Ville de Nice | (1) |
FRA | Grand Port Maritime du Havre | HAROPA | (1) |
FRA | Communauté Urbaine de Dunkerque | CUD | (1) |
FRA | Ville de Cannes - Direction des systèmes d'information Géographique | Ville de Cannes | (3) |
FRA | Ecole Normale Superieure / CNRS - Laboratoire de Geologie | ENS-GEOLOLOGIE | (1) |
FRA | IPG - Observatoire volcanologique du Piton de la Fournaise | IPG | (1) |
FRA | DTAM - Phares et Balises | DTAM | (2) |
FRA | Météo France | MF | (1) |
FRA | Grand Port Maritime de Nantes | GPMN | (1) |
FRA | Service des Phares et Balises de Guyane | DM-GUYANE | (2) |
FRA | Institut National de l'Information Géographique et Forestière | IGN | (1) |
FRA | GéoAzur - Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur | GeoAzur - OCA | (1) |
GBR | NERC British Isles continuous GNSS Facility | BIGF | (14) |
GBR | Bermuda Institute of Ocean Science | BIOS | (1) |
GBR | European Space Agency | ESA | (1) |
GHA | Ghana Meteorological Agency | GMA | (1) |
GRC | National Technical University of Athens | NTUA | (1) |
GRC | Hellenic National Tsunami Warning Centre | HL-NTWC | (1) |
GRC | National Observatory of Athens | NOA | (6) |
HKG | Lands Department - Hong-Kong | LD-HK | (9) |
HRV | Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia | HHI | (1) |
HRV | State Geodetic Administration | SGA | (4) |
IDN | National Coordination Agency for Surveys and Mapping | BAKOSURTANAL | (2) |
IRN | National Cartographic Center of I.R.IRAN | NCC | (1) |
ISR | Survey of Israel (SOI) | SOI | (2) |
ITA | Università degli Studi di Ferrara | UNIFE | (1) |
ITA | Agenzia Spaziale Italiana | ASI | (7) |
ITA | Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto di Scienze Marine | CNR- ISMAR | (3) |
ITA | Regione Campania | RC | (1) |
ITA | Regione Abruzzo | RAbruzzo | (1) |
ITA | Cooperativa San Martino | COOPSM | (1) |
ITA | e-geos S.p.A. - una societa ASI/Telespazio | TPZ | (3) |
ITA | Universita' di Cagliari - Dip. Ingegneria Strutturale - Sez. Topografia | DISIG-Cagliari | (1) |
JPN | Geospatial Information Authority of Japan | GSI | (44) |
JPN | Electronic Navigation Research Institute | ENRI | (1) |
JPN | Space-Time Standards Laboratory ; National Institute of Information and Communications Technology | NICT | (1) |
KOR | National Geographic Information Institute | NGII | (1) |
KOR | Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Administration | KHOA | (8) |
LKA | Surveyor General's Office Colombo | SGOC | (1) |
LTU | Geodetic Institute of Vilnius TU | VGTU GI | (1) |
LUX | University of Luxembourg | UL | (5) |
LVA | Latvijas Geotelpiskas Informacijas Agentura | LGIA_LatPOS | (2) |
MDG | Institute Observatory of Geophysics of Antananarivo | IOGA | (1) |
MDV | Gan Meteorological Office | GANMET | (1) |
MEX | Instituto de Geofísica - Servicio Mareográfico Nacional - UNAM | SMN-UNAM | (17) |
MEX | Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía | INEGI | (9) |
MEX | Instituto Municipal de Investigación y Planeación de Ensenada | IMIP | (1) |
MYS | Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia | JUPEM | (6) |
NAM | Directorate of Survey and Mapping Namibia | DSM-NAM | (1) |
NLD | Delft University of Technology | TUDELFT | (6) |
NOR | Norwegian Mapping Authority - Kartverket | NMA | (20) |
NZL | GNS Science | GNS | (10) |
NZL | Land Information New Zealand | LINZ | (13) |
NZL | University of Otago | uOtago | (2) |
OMN | Petroleum Development Oman | PDO | (1) |
PAN | Instituto Geografico Nacional Tommy Guardia | IGNTG | (2) |
PER | Instituto geografico del peru | IGN PERU | (2) |
PHL | National Mapping and Resource Information Authority | NAMRIA | (14) |
PHL | Naval Forces West | NFW | (1) |
PHL | Mindanao State University | MSU | (1) |
POL | Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences | SRC-PAS | (1) |
PRT | Space & Earth Geodetic Analysis Laboratory | SEGAL | (3) |
PRT | Direccao de Servicos de Cartografia e Informacao Geografica | DSCIG | (1) |
PRT | Direcao-Geral do Territorio | DGT | (2) |
PYF | Université de la Polynesie francaise | UPF | (8) |
ROU | National Institute for Earth Physics | NIEP | (2) |
ROU | National Center for Cartography - ROMPOS Bureau | NCC - ROMPOS | (1) |
RUS | SmartNet Russia | SMARTNET | (1) |
RUS | Research Station of RAS | RS-RAS | (10) |
RUS | Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics | IPGG SB-RAS | (1) |
RUS | Geophysical Observatory Arti | ARS | (1) |
RUS | Institute of Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences | INASAN | (1) |
SEN | Universite Cheikh Anta Diop | UCAD | (1) |
SEN | Direction des Travaux Geographiques et Cartographiques | ANAT/DTGC | (1) |
SGP | Nanyang Technological University | NTU | (1) |
SGP | Singapore Land Authority | SLA | (5) |
SGP | Earth Observatory of Singapore | Singapore EO | (1) |
SLV | Centro Nacional de Registros | CNR | (1) |
SVN | Geodetic Institute of Slovenia | GIS | (1) |
SVN | Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia | SMARS | (1) |
SWE | Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute | SMHI | (1) |
TWN | National Measurement Laboratory ; Industrial Technology Research Institute | NML - ITRI | (2) |
TWN | Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica | IES | (5) |
TZA | Tanzania Ports Authority | TPA | (1) |
UKR | Crimean Astrophysical Observatory | CRAO | (1) |
URY | Servicio geographico militar | SGM | (2) |
USA | National Geodetic Survey | NGS | (14) |
USA | UNAVCO | UNAVCO | (11) |
USA | US Geological Survey | USGS | (8) |
USA | University of California - Berkeley Seismological Laboratory | UC-BSL | (6) |
USA | University of Hawai'i Sea Level Centre | UHSLC | (4) |
USA | U.S. Naval Observatory | USNO | (5) |
USA | U.S. Coast guard | USCG | (20) |
USA | Jet Propulsion Laboratory | JPL | (52) |
USA | National Radio Astronomy Observatory | NRAO | (5) |
USA | University of the Virgin Islands | UVI | (2) |
USA | Louisiana State University - Center for GeoInformatics | LSU-C4G | (4) |
USA | North Carolina Geodetic Survey | NCGS | (5) |
USA | BP | BP - BPEXAK | (1) |
USA | Plate Boundary Observatory - EarthScope | PBO | (4) |
USA | SmartNet North America | SMRTNT | (8) |
USA | Alabama Department of Transportation - Alabama Great Seal | ALDOT | (2) |
USA | Texas Department of Transportation | TxDOT | (3) |
USA | Federal Aviation Administration | FAA | (3) |
USA | University of Maryland, Baltimore County | UMBC | (1) |
USA | Washington State Reference Network | WSRN | (4) |
USA | NYS Spacial Reference Network | NYSDOT | (1) |
USA | National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency | NGA | (8) |
USA | CICESE Laboratorio del Nivel del Mar | CICESE | (1) |
USA | Massachusetts Department of Transportation | MassDOT | (1) |
USA | University of Maine at Machias | UMM | (1) |
USA | Maine Department of Transportation | MaineDOT | (1) |
USA | Virginia Department of Transportation | VDOT | (1) |
USA | Loyola Spatial Systems | LOYSS | (1) |
USA | Scripps Orbit and Permanent Array Center | SOPAC | (1) |
USA | State of Alaska, Department of Transportation Central Region Survey Section | AK-DOT | (2) |
USA | Pacific GPS Facility - Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology - University of Hawaii at Manoa | PGF | (15) |
VEN | Centro de Procesamiento y Analisis GNSS SIRGAS de LUZ | CPAGS-LUZ | (1) |
ZAF | National Geo-Spatial Information | NGI | (7) |
ZAF | The Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory | HartRAO | (4) |