Le prochain "fall meeting" de l’AGU se tiendra à Washington D.C. du 10 au 14 décembre 2018. Au cours de ce congrès, la session G015 portera sur l’utilisation de la technologie GNSS dans l’observation de niveaux d’eau à la côte :
"Integration of GNSS into Water Level Observation Networks : Priorities, Technologies, and Benefits"
Tide and water level station records are some of the longest and most meticulously-kept earth observation records, but these data were historically only tied to local staffs or nearby bench marks on land. Integration of GNSS at these stations not only provides efficiencies in operational station maintenance cycles, but also adds value to these long-term water level records by connecting them to national and global reference frames and enabling the quantification of relative sea level trend components. Despite the recognized value of fusing these oceanographic and geodetic tools, only a subset of global water level stations fully leverage GNSS. This session invites the community to share new research that demonstrates the value of GNSS-linked or GNSS-enabled water level stations, exchange knowledge about best practices for instrumentation, and showcase innovative technologies or methodologies that will advance reliable, effective, and informed use of GNSS in water level observation networks.
Les détails de la session et un lien pour soumettre un abstract sont disponibles ici. La date limite de soumission d’un abstract est au 1er août à 23:59 EDT.
Comité d’organisation :
Primary Convener :
Nicole Kinsman (NOAA National Geodetic Survey )
Co-conveners :
Adria Schneck (NOAA Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services)
Mike Craymer (Natural Resources Canada)
Médéric Gravelle (Université de La Rochelle)