Home News > 10-14 July 2017: WCRP/IOC Conference on Regional Sea Level Changes and Coastal Impacts - New York, USA

10-14 July 2017: WCRP/IOC Conference on Regional Sea Level Changes and Coastal Impacts - New York, USA


NEW DEADLINE: 28th February 2017

The WCRP/IOC Sea Level Conference, which will be held in New York, NY (USA) and hosted by The Earth Institute, Columbia University, on July 10-14, 2017, had a very good response from the scientific community during the abstract submission period. Many excellent contributions have been received from around the world, and from a diverse community. Due to technical issues during the last few days with the online submission system, the deadline for abstract submissions has been extended to February 28th, 2017. We encourage our colleagues from all nations to submit their abstracts and we are looking forward to seeing them at the conference.

To submit your abstract and for more details, visit the conference website: http://www.sealevel2017.org

The deadline for requests for travel support has also been extended to 28th February 2017. In case you want to apply for travel support, this can be done during the abstract submission process.

If you have any questions during this process, do not hesitate to contact us at sealevel2017@clivar.org

Eleven years after the 1st World Climate Research Program (WRCP) sea level conference held at the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (Paris, 2006), and three years after the last Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the conference will provide a comprehensive summary of the state of worldwide climate-related large scale sea level research.

In detail the conference will:
I. Identify the key factors contributing to past, present and future regional sea level rise and variability.
II. Organize a systematic attack on the error budget of these factors.
III. Identify stakeholder needs for sea-level information for coastal planning and management purposes.
IV. Define the requirements for new and augmented research, technical development and observations consistent with the above.

The event will be held at the "Earth Institute Columbia University, Lerner Hall" at New York city in USA.

See more information at the Conference website.
Download the flyer

Scientific Chairs:
Robert Nicholls (R.J.Nicholls@soton.ac.uk)
Detlef Stammer (detlef.stammer@uni-hamburg.de)
Roderik van de Wal (R.S.W.vandeWal@uu.nl)

Local Organization:
Peter Schlosser (schlosser@ldeo.columbia.edu)

December 5, 2016: Abstract submission open
February 15, 2017: Abstract submission close
March 15, 2017: Notification letter
March 15, 2017: Registration open