2–4 July 2018: Sea Level Futures Workshop, Liverpool (Abstract deadline 30 March)
Sea Level Futures Workshop, Liverpool 2–4 July 2018
Outline Plan for Sessions
This is a provisional list of sessions, some adjustment may be made nearer to the time. Every session will start with a keynote presentation followed by a series of oral and poster presentations. We welcome abstracts from all attendees.
- 1. Sea level observations: present and future
- - Role of PSMSL in sea level research
- - Present day tide gauge observing systems (GLOSS, EuroGOOS and GGOS)
- - Present and future of space observations (e.g. coastal altimetry, mass changes in the ocean, changes in the cryosphere)
- - Space geodesy for sea level
- 2. Modelling of regional sea level and its contributors
- - Challenges in modelling of sea level
- - Ocean heat content
- - Progress in modelling of the contribution from the cryosphere
- - Vertical land movement
- 3. Understanding of regional sea level rise and variability (multiple data synthesis, novel methods, synthesis of observations and models)
- - Drivers of regional sea level rise and variability
- - Novel methods and multiple data synthesis for sea level reconstructions (including paleo data)
- - Use of advance techniques for attribution of regional sea level variability
- 4. Coastal sea level rise and variability
- - Extreme sea levels in coastal area (observations and modelling)
- - Sea level variability at the coast: the role of waves
- - Advance in coastal sea level projections
- - Impact of sea level rise in coastal areas
Abstract submissions
To submit an abstract please click here submissions will close 30 March 2018
Conference Registration
– Registration covers attending the main meeting including refreshments and lunch, icebreaker reception and conference dinner.
– To register please click here
– Early bird registration £100.00 per delegate opens 1 February 2018 and closes 20 March 2018
– Standard Registration will open 21 March and close 30 April 2018 priced at £120.00 per delegate.
– Delegates notified of acceptance of posters/talks after 20 April 2018
Further information and official workshop website