This is to mention once again the special issue of Copernicus journals called “Developments in the Science and History of Tides”. The issue is open to any aspect of the subject including the present accuracy of coastal, regional and global tide models, tidal dissipation and its role in geophysics, internal tides and their role in mixing the ocean and in the global ocean circulation, secular changes in tides, and new techniques for measuring tides and analysing the data. Click on the thumbnail to learn more about this announcement.
In order to accommodate such a wide range of topics, the special issue spans five Copernicus journals:
The special issue is intended to mark the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Liverpool Tidal Institute (LTI). The LTI was established in 1919 and for many years was the world centre for knowledge of the tides, with Joseph Proudman taking the lead in dynamical theories, and Arthur Doodson in the analysis of tidal information from around the world, and on tidal prediction. The year 2019 is also the 100th anniversary of the IUGG, which will celebrate this anniversary during its 27th General Assembly at Montreal (Canada).The IUGG Montreal Assembly will include a Joint Symposium on Tides with IAPSO as the lead Association.
Manuscript submission:
Authors can submit their contributions by using the online registration form on the websites of any of the above journals (until the end of 2019). During the registration process, it is important that the correct special issue is selected, which is “Developments in the science and history of tides (OS/ACP/HGSS/NPG/SE inter-journal SI)”.
Papers that are accepted for publication will appear immediately on the web site of the appropriate journal. Eventually a printed version of the whole special issue will become available.