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DOI ULR6a solution

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Title: GPS Solution ULR6a
DOI identifier: 10.26166/sonel_ulr6a
Publisher: SONEL Data Center
Publication year: 2016
Version: a
Temporal coverage: 1995-01-01 / 2014-12-31
Language: English


Alvaro Santamaria-Gomez [1], Médéric Gravelle [2], Guy Wöppelmann [2]
Affiliation: [1] GET, Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées/CNRS/IRD/UPS, Toulouse, France.
[2] LIENSs, CNRS/ULR, La Rochelle, France.


GPS, tide gauge, vertical land movements


LIENSs, La Rochelle, France
IGN, Saint Mandé, France
CNRS, France
La Rochelle Université, La Rochelle, France

 Data use information

Citation: A. Santamaria-Gomez, M. Gravelle, G. Wöppelmann (2016): GPS Solution ULR6. SONEL Data Center. doi: 10.26166/sonel_ulr6a.

Use rights: The ULR6a solution is freely available to anyone. It is asked to all users to acknowledge the SONEL Data Centre in their research papers.


The ULR6a solution has taken part to the second reprocessing campaign of the International GNSS Service (IGS). It corresponds to 749 stations for which the entire dataset between 1995.0 and 2013.9 was reprocessed using the most up-to-date models and corrections available at that time.
First, daily solutions are computed through the adjustment of positions of the global network of stations, Earth Orientation parameters, satellite orbits and zenith tropospheric delays. This process results in global daily solutions that are expressed in their own (daily) terrestrial frame.
Then, the daily times series are obtained after the combination of these daily solutions. The velocities are estimated simultaneously of the mean station position, station position offsets and transformation parameters (translation, rotation and scale) for the alignment to a unique terrestrial reference frame (ITRF08). A minimum of three continuous years without an offset (e.g., due to an equipment change or an earthquake) in the time series were required to estimate a “robust” vertical velocity, leading to a fields of 498 vertical velocities, among which 322 are nearby a tide gauge (<15 km).
The formal uncertainty of the estimated velocities has been computed taking into account the time-correlated noise in the residual time series to make them as realistic as possible. The median uncertainty on the estimated vertical velocities is about 0.36 mm/year.

 Related identifiers

SONEL URL: http://www.sonel.org/


This solution has been proceeded thanks to the data provided by the Data Providers who collaborate with SONEL.