IGS-type acronym : | AJAC |
Latitude : | 41.92745704 |
Longitude : | 8.76261400 |
Installed date : | 2000-01-22 |
Decommissioned date : | |
Country : | FRANCE |
City: | AJACCIO |
Station status : | active (green) |
Distance to Tide Gauge (m) : | 530 |
Domes Nr.: | 10077M005 |
Station operator: | Unknown |
IGS-like station form : |
M | Material change or malfunction |
E | Earthquake |
RF | Reference Frame change |
U | Unknown |
NA | Not available |
Position discontinuity | |
Velocity discontinuity |
Plots generated using software developed with the EPN team at ROB |
Observations & tracking performance | Satellite tracking |
The satellite tracking graph has been calculated for all stations for the first day of each month. If you wish to have a graph for another date, choose the 'Calculate a specific date' option.
Suite au changement d'antenne du 21 janvier, les coordonnées de la station ont été à nouveau calculées.
Les données sont quant à elles disponibles depuis la session 023a ; et les données manquantes (du 13 décembre au 22 janvier) ne pourront être récupérées.
We noticed movements on the AJAC station.
You cannot download any data since the 2019-347 session (3 days).
At the moment we do not know the cause of the problem.
Data for GNSS station AJAC are now available since session 2019-318o. Missing data are definetely lost.
We have not received any data from AJAC since session 316a yesterday.
We do not know the cause of the problem.
Data for GNSS station AJAC are now available since session 2019-214n. Missing data are definetely lost.
We have not received any data from AJAC station since Sunday, session 209c.
We do not know the cause of the problem.
Data for the GNSS station AJAC (Ajaccio, Corse, France) are now available since session 2019-162m. Missing data are definetely lost.
The dataflow for GNSS station AJAC stopped on 2019-137j. The delay of recovery is unknown
We have not received any data from AJAC since session 137 on Friday.
for now we do not know the problem of this failure.
The dataflow for the station AJAC is restored since the session 247i
The dataflow for AJAC station (Corse, France) stopped at session 216n. The delay of recovery is unknown.
Data for the AJAC station are available since session 166n. Missing data are definitely lost.
Due to bad weather, AJAC station is unreachable since session 164e, we
can't say for now when the situation will come back to normal.
Due to a shutdown, hourly and daily data from 142g to 143g are lost for
AJAc station.
The stations AJAC and MARS have been encountering some failure since the sessions 077w and 076j.
We're currently trying to fix it.
The receivers at stations AJAC and MARS had a failure at the end of
day 217 : receivers stopped tracking all satellites.
Some sessions are missing since and won't be recovered.
Those we were able to recover have been submitted.
To fix the problem, we upgraded the ME firmware version from 6.403 to
6.522 on station AJAC.
We hope it will be sufficient to solve the tracking issues. If so, the
same upgrade will be applied to MARS by tomorrow.
Broadcasting on AJAC station (France) currently is working since DOY 2016/148 M. Files from DOY 2015/331 N to DOY 2016/148 M are lost.
Due to technical problems at AJAC station (France), files from DOY
2015/331 N to DOY 2016/148 M are lost.
The station AJAC (Ajaccio, France) is encountering some problems at the
moment, since the session 331o.
We try and fix it as soon as possible.
The station AJAC (Ajaccio, France) is encountering some problems since
the session 295j.
We try and fix the problem as soon as possible.
The station AJAC (Ajaccio, France) is encountering some problems since
the session 257n.
We try and fix the problem as soon as possible.
The station AJAC (Ajaccio, France) is encountering some electrical
problems since the session 273d. The missing data are lost. We try and
fix it as soon as possible.
[IGSSTATION-5573] - 2013-10-14: The station AJAC (Ajaccio, France) is working since the session 287h.
Missing hourly and daily data are definitively lost.
The receiver of the station AJAC (Corse-France) is encountering some problem since session 075f.
We can't tell when an intervention will be possible. For the moment daily and hourly data are unavailable.
The receiver of stations AJAC have encountering some problems this weekend. Missing hourly and daily data from sessions 054r to 056h are definitively lost.
The station AJAC (Ajaccio-France) has encountered a network problem since
the DOY 326. Now, the problem is fixed, but the missing sessions since the 326i to the 353 p are definitively lost.
Data from AJAC station (Ajaccio-France) are available.
Nevertheless, due to an electric cut, missing data from session 331p haven't be saved.