Showing all stations within 1000 km of the observed stationAvailable data / Station OKAvailable data / Problem(s) detectedDoes not workNo longer existsForeign partner managementNot co-located with observed station
Showing all stations within 1000 km of the observed stationCo-located with observed stationNot co-located with observed station
If you have a relevant reference to suggest, please send-us an e-mail :
Lyszkowicz, Bernatowicz, 2019.Geocentric Baltic Sea level changes along the southern coastline. Advances in Space Research.
Malgorzata-Stramska, Natalia-Chudziak, 2013.Recent multiyear trends in the Baltic Sea level. Oceanologia.
Rezvani, Watson et al., 2021.Estimating Vertical Land Motion and Residual Altimeter Systematic Errors Using a Kalman-Based Approach. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans.