In addition to its national scope with its specific aims associated with a national research observation infrastructure on sea level, SONEL plays the role of GNSS at tide gauge data assembly centre for the GLOSS programme since 2011 (see GLOSS Implementation Plan - 2012, pp. 23). SONEL is also the primary data centre for the GPS Tide Gauge Benchmark Monitoring (TIGA) pilot project, which has turned into a working group of the International GNSS Service (IGS) in 2010.
Consequently, SONEL provides information about the status of GNSS stations at or nearby tide gauges around the globe through a web-based monitoring facility (e.g., dynamic maps). It assembles, archives, and distributes GNSS observation and metadata from permanent stations at or near tide gauges distributed worldwide. In the latest implementation plan, GLOSS relies on TIGA (IGS) and SONEL for the assembling, processing and distribution of GNSS data at tide gauges. GLOSS works with TIGA (IGS) to define the useful sea-level oriented products of GNSS analyses and its most appropriate standards and formats for distribution to the sea-level community, concise while informative and complete.
Key to this endeavor will be the maintenance of survey records linking the GNSS antenna to the tide gauge benchmark. Towards this aim, SONEL has started coordinating with the PSMSL to make this important metadata available for all GLOSS stations (Click on the image for further information).
All tide gauge operators, whether associated with GLOSS or not, are welcome to have their GNSS (GPS) data and metadata included in the SONEL data center facility for ensuring state-of-the-art processing (e.g., by the TIGA data analysis centres). GLOSS national contacts have the responsibility to ensure that the GLOSS requirements are fulfilled at the stations for which the country has committed. The requirements include a GNSS antenna located as close to the gauge as possible (IOC Manuals & Guides, No. 14 (IV), pp. 52).
– First Progress Report on the GNSS at Tide Gauge Activities: SONEL Data Holdings & Tools to access the data, presented at the XIIIth GLOSS group of experts meeting, hosted by the PSMSL, Liverpool (United Kingdom), 30 October to 1st November 2013.
– Second Progress Report on the GNSS at Tide Gauge Activities: SONEL Data Holdings & Tools to access the data, presented at the XIVth GLOSS group of experts meeting, hosted by the National Institute of Oceanography, Goa (India), 21-23 October 2015.
– Third Progress Report on the GNSS at Tide Gauge Activities: SONEL Data Holdings & Tools to access the data, presented at the XVth GLOSS group of experts meeting, hosted by the University of Columbia, New York (USA), 8-9 July 2017.
– Fourth Progress Report on the GNSS at Tide Gauge Activities: SONEL Data Holdings & Tools to access the data, presented at the XVIth GLOSS group of experts meeting, hosted by the Korean Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency, Busan (Republic of Korea), 11-13 April 2019.