Showing all stations within 1000 km of the observed stationAvailable data / Station OKAvailable data / Problem(s) detectedDoes not workNo longer existsForeign partner managementNot co-located with observed station
Showing all stations within 1000 km of the observed stationCo-located with observed stationNot co-located with observed station
If you have a relevant reference to suggest, please send-us an e-mail :
De-Biasio, Baldin et al., 2020.Revisiting Vertical Land Motion and Sea Level Trends in the Northeastern Adriatic Sea Using Satellite Altimetry and Tide Gauge Data. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering.
Vignudelli, De-Biasio, 2021.Coastal Sea Level Trends from a Joint Use of Satellite Radar Altimetry, GPS and Tide Gauges: Case Study of the Northern Adriatic Sea. Geodetic Sciences - Theory, Applications and Recent Developments.
Zerbini, Raicich et al., 2017.Sea-level change in the Northern Mediterranean Sea from long-period tide gauge time series. Earth-Science Reviews.